Security News

1.1 Million Affected by CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Breach (Threatpost)
2015-05-21 15:02

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield announced this week that hackers broke into one of its databases and made off with a variety of sensitive customer information.

Personal info of 1.1M customers stolen in CareFirst breach (Help Net Security)
2015-05-21 08:45

CareFirst, a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan, has announced that they have suffered a breach in which the attackers gained access to one of their databases. "Evidence suggests the attackers could have ...

SQL Attack Results in Breach of Telstra-Owned Telecom Pacnet (Threatpost)
2015-05-20 19:55

Telstra's Pacnet, a telecom service provider primarily based in China and Singapore, suffered a breach early last month that may wind up affecting thousands of customers.