Security News

'Hacktivist' takes credit for WikiLeaks attacks via Twitter
2010-12-01 06:39 By Nathan Olivarez-Giles Los Angeles Times November 30, 2010 A self-proclaimed...

China to issue unified rules on sentencing for cyber attack	crimes
2010-11-11 07:21 Editor: Mu Xuequan 2010-11-10 BEIJING, Nov. 10 (Xinhua)-- China will issue new judicial rules governing...

Hacker attacks Royal Navy website
2010-11-11 07:21 The Independent 8 November 2010 The Royal Navy Website has been taken offline after it was...

Hacker Attacks on Cheong Wa Dae on the Rise
2010-11-05 05:26 The Chosum Ilbo Nov. 04, 2010 Cyber attacks targeting the computers of Cheong Wa Dae officials are increasing as the G20...

Film studios 'launch cyber attacks on torrent sites'
2010-09-10 07:50 By Emma Woollacott TG Daily 9th Sep 2010 An Indian firm has blithely admitted...

Military leaders warn of NK cyber attack
2010-06-09 05:07 By Jung Sung-ki Staff reporter Korea Times 06-08-2010 Military leaders called North Korea's cyber threat "real," Tuesday, and...

MOD website still under intense attack
2010-03-17 06:20 Xinhua 2010-03-16 BEIJING - A chief editor with the official website of China's Ministry of National Defense (MOD),...

Diverse group of Chinese hackers wrote code in attacks on Google, U.S. companies
2010-02-22 06:28 By Ellen Nakashima Washington Post Staff Writer February 20, 2010 Some of the computer codes used in the recent...

In a doomsday cyber attack scenario, answers are unsettling
2010-02-19 10:06 By Bob Drogin The Los Angeles Times February 17, 2010 Reporting from Washington -- The crisis began when college...

Fresh wave of cyber attacks hits India
2010-02-15 06:48 By Vijay Mohan Tribune News Service February 11, 2010 Computer networks at sensitive establishments have experienced a second wave of cyber...