Security News

Photo gallery: Black Hat USA 2016 Arsenal (Help Net Security)
2016-08-05 00:40

Black Hat USA 2016 is underway at Las Vegas, and here are a few photos from the Arsenal, where the open source community demonstrates tools they develop and use in their daily professions. Lee...

Going to Black Hat? You don’t want to miss the Arsenal! (Help Net Security)
2016-08-03 13:00

Every August, more than 10,000 information security professionals from all over the world converge in Las Vegas to attend Black Hat USA. The event features innovative research, in-depth trainings,...

Needle iOS security testing tool to be unveiled at Black Hat Arsenal (Help Net Security)
2016-08-01 13:00

In a session at Black Hat USA 2016 on Wednesday, Marco Lancini, Security Consultant at MWR InfoSecurity, will demonstrate publicly for the first time a new iOS security testing tool. Needle is an...