Security News

Security researchers have discovered the sophisticated Triada Trojan in the firmware of more than 40 low-cost Android smartphone models. read more

A new strain of mobile malware found on an array of apps can pull out sensitive data – including audio recordings – from Android phones.

Yes, your smartphone is spying on you. But, the real question is, should you care? We have published thousands of articles on The Hacker News, warning how any mobile app can turn your smartphone...

More than 3 million new malware samples targeting the Android operating system were discovered in 2017, marking a slight decrease from the previous year, G Data reports. read more

Google this month addressed several critical severity remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in the Android operating system. read more

No device is safe from criminals looking to make it stealthily mine cryptocurrency for them. However weak its processing power is, it still costs them nothing. With that in mind, forced crypto...

A new Monero-mining bot sprang up a few days ago and, in just a few days, has created a botnet consisting of over 7,000 Android devices, most of which are located in China (39%) and Korea (39%)....

Due to the recent surge in cryptocurrency prices, threat actors are increasingly targeting every platform, including IoT, Android, and Windows, with malware that leverages the CPU power of...

A new crypto-mining botnet has been growing and targeting Android devices with an open ADB port, Qihoo 360's NetLab researchers reveal. read more

The botnet uses port scanning code from Mirai, a first for Android-related attacks, according to researchers.