Security News > 2022 > November > US Health Dept warns of Venus ransomware targeting healthcare orgs

US Health Dept warns of Venus ransomware targeting healthcare orgs
2022-11-10 21:50

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services warned today that Venus ransomware attacks are also targeting the country's healthcare organizations.

In an analyst note issued by the Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center, HHS' security team also mentions that it knows about at least one incident where Venus ransomware was deployed on the networks of a U.S. healthcare org.

"HC3 is aware of at least one healthcare entity in the United States falling victim to Venus ransomware recently," the report warns.

Since August, when it began operating, Venus ransomware has been relatively active, with new submissions being uploaded to ID Ransomware every day.

U.S. federal authorities have warned about other ransomware operations targeting healthcare organizations across the United States this year.

Previous alerts include warnings of threat actors deploying Maui and Zeppelin ransomware payloads in attacks against Healthcare and Public Health organizations.

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