Security News > 2022 > October > Venus Ransomware targets publicly exposed Remote Desktop services

Threat actors behind the relatively new Venus Ransomware are hacking into publicly-exposed Remote Desktop services to encrypt Windows devices.
Venus Ransomware appears to have begun operating in the middle of August 2022 and has since encrypted victims worldwide.
The ransomware will create an HTA ransom note in the %Temp% folder that will automatically be displayed when the ransomware is finished encrypting the device.
At this time, the Venus ransomware is fairly active, with new submissions uploaded to ID Ransomware daily.
As the ransomware appears to be targeting publicly-exposed Remote Desktop services, even those running on non-standard TCP ports, it is vital to put these services behind a firewall.
Ideally, no Remote Desktop Services should be publicly exposed on the Internet and only be accessible via a VPN..