Security News > 2022 > July > Rethinking Vulnerability Management in a Heightened Threat Landscape

Rethinking Vulnerability Management in a Heightened Threat Landscape
2022-07-11 20:26

Although guidance from the White House and CISA advising on this heightened risk for U.S. businesses and the increase in the proposed budget for cybersecurity within the federal government signals that more resources are needed to properly defend against these risks, this does not necessarily translate to more IT budget or security staff within most organizations in the private sector.

Prioritizing the modernization of aging technology stacks will be essential to mitigate rising cybersecurity vulnerabilities and ensure the security of the organization's critical systems and applications from malicious cyber campaigns.

With scores assigned and prioritization clearly defined, security teams can make step-by-step plans for remediation, making resolutions simple and making meaningful improvements to security posture with each step.

Surprisingly, many of today's threat detection tools don't cover these business-critical applications, leaving a huge gap in CISOs' security programs.

Every organization has limited time and resources, so they need to understand how to spend their next dollar or their security team's next hour.

By utilizing solutions that provide automated tools to help security teams avoid the need to examine all their security configuration variables manually, organizations can free up resources for more strategic tasks and achieve continuous threat detection and response for business-critical applications.

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