Security News > 2022 > March > FBI: Ransomware hit 649 critical infrastructure orgs in 2021

The Federal Bureau of Investigation says ransomware gangs have breached the networks of at least 649 organizations from multiple US critical infrastructure sectors last year, according to the Internet Crime Complaint Center 2021 Internet Crime Report.
The actual number is likely higher given that the FBI only started tracking reported ransomware incidents in which the victim a critical infrastructure sector organization in June 2021.
"The IC3 received 649 complaints that indicated organizations belonging to a critical infrastructure sector were victims of a ransomware attack," the FBI said [PDF].
"Of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors, IC3 reporting indicated 14 sectors had at least 1 member that fell victim to a ransomware attack in 2021.".
Throughout last year, the FBI issued multiple advisories, Private Industry Notifications, and flash alerts warning of ransomware targeting critical infrastructure, including U.S. Water and Wastewater Systems, the Food and Agriculture sector, U.S. Healthcare and First Responder networks, and education institutions.
Since December, the FBI also revealed that the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang breached the networks of at least 52 critical orgs, Cuba ransomware compromised at least 49 U.S. critical infrastructure entities, while the BlackByte ransomware gang hit at least three others.