Security News > 2022 > March > FBI: Ransomware gang breached 52 US critical infrastructure orgs

FBI: Ransomware gang breached 52 US critical infrastructure orgs
2022-03-07 20:16

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation says the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang has breached the networks of at least 52 organizations from multiple US critical infrastructure sectors.

"As of January 2022, the FBI has identified at least 52 entities across 10 critical infrastructure sectors affected by RagnarLocker ransomware, including entities in the critical manufacturing, energy, financial services, government, and information technology sectors," the federal law enforcement agency said [PDF].

"RagnarLocker ransomware actors work as part of a ransomware family, frequently changing obfuscation techniques to avoid detection and prevention."

The FBI asked admins and security professionals who detect Ragnar Locker activity to share any related information with their local FBI Cyber Squad. Useful info that would help identify the threat actors behind this ransomware gang includes copies of the ransom notes, ransom demands, malicious activity timelines, payload samples, and more.

Instead, ransom payments will further motivate the ransomware gang to target even more victims and incentivizes other cybercrime operations to join in and launch their own ransomware attacks.

Since December, the FBI also revealed that Cuba ransomware compromised the networks of at least 49 US critical infrastructure entities, while the BlackByte ransomware gang hit at least three others.

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