Security News > 2022 > March > Cyberattacks on SMBs are increasing, will your business be ready?

Cyberattacks on SMBs are increasing, will your business be ready?
As the number of cyberattacks continues to rise and may jump even higher with the new Senate bill passed Tuesday, small-to-medium businesses should be on higher alert of potential cyberattacks.
Coro has released a report forecasting the biggest cybersecurity threats businesses will face in 2022, with SMBs being singled out as potential targets due to system vulnerabilities.
Coro's findings state that in the past two years, attacks against these SMBs have increased at a rate of 150%. But despite the growing number of attacks against these mid-sized enterprises, organizations' defenses have not kept up with the complexity or number of attacks over the two-year span.
On average, Coro found that SMBs faced roughly 6,300 attacks per day over the course of 2019, according to the study.
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