Security News > 2022 > February > Multi-tool/multi-cloud environments reaching the limit of their efficacy

Multi-tool/multi-cloud environments reaching the limit of their efficacy
2022-02-23 05:00

CloudBolt Software released its latest research report, examining industry sentiment in specific dimensions of hybrid cloud/multi-cloud, and aiming to uncover unmet cloud needs that hinder cloud innovation.

These limitations are caused by too many groups across an enterprise using too many different tools and clouds, with 80% struggling to achieve comprehensive visibility into cloud usage and spend.

Sprawl - 78% of respondents said they have too many cloud tools throughout their enterprise.

Security - 4 out of 5 respondents said their current cloud approaches have created new security vulnerabilities that put their companies at further risk, ranging from Zombie VMs and unsecured workloads to shadow IT. Cost - 78% initially said they believed they had achieved cost savings using cloud versus their on-premises data centers.

A lack of visibility across a highly complex multi-tool, multi-cloud architecture almost ensures that companies don't know what cloud is costing - or how to optimize it.

"Our latest CII report reveals the growing chasm between what enterprises need in the new cloud order and what their current platforms and tools can provide," said CloudBolt CEO Jeff Kukowski.

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