Security News > 2022 > February > Online fraud skyrocketing: Gaming, streaming, social media, travel and ecommerce hit the most

Online fraud skyrocketing: Gaming, streaming, social media, travel and ecommerce hit the most
2022-02-14 05:00

"From the earliest days of online information to the rapid evolution of today's metaverses, the internet has come a long way. However, this latest data shows that it is more under attack than ever before," said Arkose Labs CEO Kevin Gosschalk.

The latest research took a deep dive into UK business specifically to understand which sectors were the most attacked by online criminals.

The ongoing popularity of online gaming puts it top of the list for fraudsters with 46% of all the attacks in the UK, as seen by Arkose Labs.

Digital media companies are also high value targets and represent a third of all attacks, seeing an 88% increase since 2020.

In prior years, Russian attacks were more common, but in 2021, attackers from Asia took the top spot, with 40 percent of all attacks coming from this region.

A single attack can consume nearly 80 percent of traffic at peak periods, and in 2021, credential stuffing spikes hit up to 76 million per week.

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