Security News > 2021 > December > Online shopping at risk: Mobile application and API cyber attacks at critical high

Online shopping at risk: Mobile application and API cyber attacks at critical high
2021-12-16 05:00

Protecting mobile applications and APIs against automated threats is a top priority for online commerce businesses, according to data from a study published by DataDome.

Focusing on mobile application and API protection Two-thirds of respondents report that focusing on mobile application and API protection is a key priority for the next 12 months.

Businesses are prioritizing protection against three types of online fraud: Card fraud, inventory fraud, and account fraud.

Respondents reported that protection from online fraud, particularly in the form of card fraud, inventory fraud, and account fraud, is of critical importance.

These attacks impact the entire value chain, from employee to customer: 45% of surveyed respondents reported the cost of man-hours spent mitigating attacks as the top impact, followed by loss of revenue, and loss of customer trust.

For good reason: regardless of attack types and detection mechanisms, the majority of attacks require active intervention and overwhelmingly target high-profile events or promotions - which can be very costly for online commerce companies.

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