Security News > 2020 > December > Facebook Criticizes Apple Privacy Policy in Newspaper Ads

Facebook is again pushing back on new Apple privacy rules for its mobile devices, this time saying in full page newspaper ads that the social media giant is standing up for small businesses.
In ads that ran in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and other national newspapers Wednesday, Facebook said Apple's new rules "Limit businesses' ability to run personalized ads and reach their customers effectively."
"While limiting how personalized ads can be used does impact larger companies like us, these changes will be devastating to small businesses adding to the many challenges they face right now," the ad states.
The ads come after Apple said earlier this week it would begin spelling out what kinds of personal information is being collected by the digital services displayed in its app stores for iPhones and other products made by the trendsetting company.
At the time Facebook complained that the changes would hurt businesses' ability to personalize ads.