Security News > 2020 > December > Hackers are targeting the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain

Hackers are targeting the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain
2020-12-03 15:10

Unknown hackers have been trying to compromise accounts and computer systems of employees in organizations involved in the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain.

The targets? Select executives in sales, procurement, information technology and finance positions at organizations around the world associated with Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance's Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform program.

Earlier this year, the US and UK government agencies have warned about Chinese hackers targeting research facilities working on the COVID-19 research and response.

This latest campaign - its precision targeting and the nature of the targeted organizations - potentially points to nation-state backed hackers.

"Without a clear path to a cash-out, cyber criminals are unlikely to devote the time and resources required to execute such a calculated operation with so many interlinked and globally distributed targets. Likewise, insight into the transport of a vaccine may present a hot black-market commodity advanced insight into the purchase and movement of a vaccine that can impact life and the global economy is likely a high-value and high-priority nation-state target," the researchers opined.

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