Security News > 2020 > December > Cyberattacks Target COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Cold-Chain’ Orgs

Cyberattacks Target COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Cold-Chain’ Orgs
2020-12-03 15:47

The attack targeted organizations associated with a public-private global health partnership, called Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which is aiming to leverage such cold-chain companies in order to safely transport the COVID-19 vaccine to underdeveloped regions.

"However, the established role that Haier Biomedical currently plays in vaccine transport, and their likely role in COVID-19 vaccine distribution, increases the probability the intended targets may engage with the inbound emails without questioning the sender's authenticity."

The program, called the Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform, aims to strengthen vaccine supply chains, improve worldwide immunization equity and bolster medical response to disease outbreaks.

The bad actors could use the credentials to gain insight into internal communications, as well as the background processes, methods and plans for COVID-19 vaccine distribution - including sensitive government information about the infrastructure used to distribute the vaccine.

"IBM Security X-Force urges companies in the COVID-19 supply chain - from research of therapies, healthcare delivery to distribution of a vaccine - to be vigilant and remain on high alert during this time," said researchers.

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