Security News > 2020 > August > DevOps is transforming database development in the healthcare sector

DevOps is transforming database development in the healthcare sector
2020-08-10 03:00

This increased strain has increased the need for DevOps and database DevOps processes, with 41% of respondents in the healthcare sector saying they have adopted DevOps across some projects to free up developer time and increase the speed of delivery.

"We know that the healthcare sector is facing unprecedented demands from the pandemic and other regulatory struggles, and DevOps is the best way to tackle these issues," said Kendra Little, DevOps Advocate, Redgate.

Database DevOps adoption is rising: 70% of respondents have adopted DevOps across all or some projects, or have a Proof of Concept in place, compared to 68% across all sectors.

An automation frontrunner: The healthcare sector is ahead of others in adopting automation across the database development process.

Database deployments on the rise: There's a significant jump in the frequency of database deployments for 2020, with 51% in healthcare saying they deploy changes daily or weekly.

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