Security News > 2020 > June > Russian Cybercriminal Gets 9 Years for Online Fraud Website

A Russian computer hacker who facilitated $20 million in credit card fraud and ran a sophisticated clearinghouse for international cybercriminals was sentenced Friday to nine years in prison.
Prosecutors say Aleksei Burkov of St. Petersburg, Russia, filled a unique niche in the world of cybercrime, describing his Direct Connection website as "The most exclusive criminal forum on the web." Would-be participants had to put up a $5,000 bond and have three existing members vouch for them.
The website - which ran from 2009 until 2015, when Burkov was arrested - even had an arbitration feature to mediate disputes between members who conducted transactions on the site.
She was released in January after serving 10 months, receiving a pardon from Russian President Vladimir Putin roughly a week after Burkov pleaded guilty in the U.S. It is unclear whether Russia will continue to agitate for Burkov's release.
Judge T.S. Ellis III ordered that Burkov serve his sentence near the D.C. area to facilitate future discussions with his attorney that might be necessary "For reasons I don't think need to be explained." Burkov's lawyer, Gregory Stambaugh, who requested that Burkov remain in the area, declined comment on whether Burkov could possibly be a part of some sort of prisoner swap.