Security News > 2020 > April > Something a bit phishy in your inbox? You can now email suspected frauds straight to Blighty's web takedown cops

The National Cyber Security Centre has launched the Suspicious Email Reporting Service: a new email address for reporting scam mails to a government department that might actually do something about it.
The cybersecurity service, an offshoot of eavesdropping agency GCHQ, said it has set up an "Automated programme" that will "Immediately test the validity of the site" if one is mentioned in a phishing email.
Lest this sounds a bit too similar to the widely ridiculed Action Fraud organisation, NCSC added: "If people have lost money, they should tell their bank and report it as a crime to Action Fraud, but the new Suspicious Email Reporting Service will offer an automated service to people who flag what they think to be a suspicious email."
NCSC boasted this morning that its "Existing takedown services" have already removed more than 2,000 online scams related to COVID-19 in the last month, including hundreds of fake online shops selling fraudulent coronavirus-related items, malware distribution sites, phishing sites "Seeking personal information such as passwords or credit card details" and more than 800 "Advance-fee frauds", which is "Where a large sum of money is promised in return for a set-up payment."
"With greater use of technology, there are different ways attackers can harm all of us. But everyone can help to stop them by following the guidance campaign we have launched today. But even with the best security in place, some attacks will still get through. That's why we have created a new national reporting service for suspicious emails - and if they link to malicious content, it will be taken down or blocked. By forwarding messages to us, you will be protecting the UK from email scams and cyber crime."
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