Security News > 2020 > April > Week in review: Cloud migration and cybersecurity, data trending on the dark web, Zoom security

Week in review: Cloud migration and cybersecurity, data trending on the dark web, Zoom security
2020-04-19 08:45

What type of data is trending on the dark web?Fraud guides accounted for nearly half of the data being sold on the dark web, followed by personal data at 15.6%, according to Terbium Labs.

Will Zoom manage to retain security-conscious customers?While Zoom Video Communications is trying to change the public's rightful perception that, at least until a few weeks ago, Zoom security and privacy were low on their list of priorities, some users are already abandoning the ship.

On my mind: Transitioning to third-party cloud servicesThe transition from traditional onsite data colocation to the use of third-party cloud shared tenant services should be on everyone's minds.

Information security goes non-binaryFinding security holes in information systems is as old as the first commercially available computer.

Shift to work-from-home: Most IT pros worried about cloud securityAs most companies make the rapid shift to work-from-home to stem the spread of COVID-19, a significant percentage of IT and cloud professionals are concerned about maintaining the security of their cloud environments during the transition, according to a survey conducted by Fugue.

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