Security News > 2020 > March > Can 5G make you more vulnerable to cyberattacks?

Can 5G make you more vulnerable to cyberattacks?
2020-03-16 05:00

There is a big difference between the promise of 5G low latency, higher bandwidth, and speed for businesses versus the security of 5G. While many are excited about Gartner's prediction of $4.2 billion being invested in global 5G wireless network infrastructure in 2020, few discuss the business costs of its unheralded security holes.

5G is poised to drive IoT, industrial IoT, cloud services, network virtualization, and edge computing, which multiplies the endpoint security complications.

Although the manufacturing sector cites IIoT security as the top priority, the combination of 5G security vulnerabilities may come back to haunt them.

According to an Accenture study of more than 2,600 business and technology decision makers across 12 industry sectors in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific, 62% fear 5G will make them more vulnerable to cyberattacks.

The 5G network promises of device authentication, device encryption, device ID, and credentialing are positives, but the flip side is that many of those pluses also carry security dangers.

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