Security News > 2020 > March > Most computers easy to hack due to vulnerability in memory chips

Most computers easy to hack due to vulnerability in memory chips
2020-03-13 05:00

Most computer systems are still very easy to hack, due to a vulnerability in memory chips produced by Samsung, Micron and Hynix, according to a study by researchers from VUSec of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The vulnerability in question is called Rowhammer, a design flaw in the internal memory chips of a device that creates the vulnerability.

After an abundance of controversial Rowhammer attacks, CPU and DRAM manufacturers were eagerly looking for the definitive hardware solution to the Rowhammer problem.

Cristiano Giuffrida, researcher at VUsec, explains: "The results of our research are worrisome and show that Rowhammer is not only still unsolved, but also that the vulnerability is widespread, even in the very latest DRAM chips. Moreover, we see that the new DDR4 chips are even more vulnerable to Rowhammer than their DDR3 predecessors."

For consumers themselves, the consequences of the Rowhammer bug are probably not very large, because there are simpler ways to hack phones or computers.

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