Security News > 2020 > March > Most enterprises choose multi-cloud strategies, 55% plan to invest in data virtualization
"As more enterprises embrace cloud transformation, IT and data teams face increased pressure to harness the power of data and analytics for business intelligence," said Christopher Lynch, executive chairman and CEO at AtScale.
"Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud strategies are key to big data analytics. New data regulations and cybersecurity vulnerabilities are creating roadblocks for IT teams looking to use data for business intelligence, which is why data virtualization and data governance are top priorities in 2020.".
The survey results reveal the majority of enterprises are choosing a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud strategy, and that data virtualization and data governance are top priorities for big data and analytics leaders.
Companies are implementing data virtualization - 55% of respondents plan to invest in data virtualization in the near future if they are not already.
"With the amount of data sharing happening across platforms and systems, data governance continues to be a top priority across the board with 80% of respondents stating that data governance is very important to them," said John Mertic, director at ODPi.
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