Security News > 2019 > June > Arachnys and BAE Systems to improve the security and risk management of financial institutions

Arachnys and BAE Systems to improve the security and risk management of financial institutions
2019-06-13 00:00

Arachnys, the leader in Customer Risk Intelligence solutions for Client Onboarding, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Diligence & Enhanced Due Diligence (CDD/EDD) and Anti Money Laundering (AML), announced that it is partnering with BAE Systems, a proven enterprise solution provider of advanced analytics, to address anti-money laundering and compliance obligations and delivering accurate and efficient fraud detection and prevention. The partnership between BAE Systems’ NetReveal solution and Arachnys’ cloud-native Customer Risk Intelligence platform will … More → The post Arachnys and BAE Systems to improve the security and risk management of financial institutions appeared first on Help Net Security.

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