Security News > 2008 > December

Wire-Transfer Shops May Provide Hackers An Easy Target
2008-12-12 09:11 RedOrbit 11 December 2008 According to a study to be released on Thursday, nearly 60 percent...

French embassy in Beijing 'under cyber-attack' after Nicolas Sarkozy meeting with Dalai Lama
2008-12-12 09:05 By Richard Spencer in Beijing...

Black Hat: New Webinar, Japan audio now on-line.
2008-12-11 06:28

Infosec News readers, some new content to devour! NEW FREE WEBCAST - Oracle Database Forensics Black Hat's webcast series continues with another powerful presentation from a popular Black Hat...

10 Faces of Fraud: The Greatest Risks to Banks in 2009
2008-12-10 10:19 By Linda McGlasson Managing Editor December 9, 2008 From Hannaford Brothers to Countrywide, this year has been full of...

Easter Bunny Continues to Compromise US Military Computers
2008-12-02 07:26

Forwarded from: "J. Oquendo" More humorous news from the "Chinese invades the US Infrastructure" front. I don't know about anyone else, but imagine me stating: "I saw Tom Jones steal my car but I...