Security News > 2004

MS Premium Customers Get Early Security Warnings
2004-09-15 05:58 By Ryan Naraine September 10, 2004 Microsoft is giving premium customers advance notice of security bulletins, has...

German hacker finds open Wi-Fi networks in Manila
2004-09-13 08:00 By Erwin Lemuel Oliva Sept 10, 2004 DRIVING through the central business district of Makati all the way to Malate in Manila,...

Four steps for protecting your internal networks
2004-09-13 07:44,,95656,00.html Opinion by Mudge Intrusic Inc. SEPTEMBER 09, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD In the sciences, there are general principles that can...

For Wall Street, 9/11 lessons three years in the making
2004-09-09 10:41,10801,95765,00.html By Dan Verton SEPTEMBER 08, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD WASHINGTON -- With the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001,...

Nasdaq tests everyone's disaster recovery plans
2004-09-08 12:52,10801,95734,00.html By Elana Varon SEPTEMBER 07, 2004 Three years ago on Sept. 11, Kamran Rafieyan and his co-workers walked...

Police question report of India code theft
2004-09-01 17:22,10801,95615,00.html By John Ribeiro AUGUST 31, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Police officials investigating the alleged theft of...

Open Source Vulnerability Database Opens Vendor Dictionary
2004-09-01 17:22

Forwarded from: Jake Open Source Vulnerability Database Opens Vendor Dictionary The Open Source Vulnerability Database, a project to catalog and describe the world's security vulnerabilities, has...

FBI busts alleged DDoS Mafia
2004-08-30 06:32

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Kevin Poulsen SecurityFocus Aug 26 2004 A Massachusetts businessman allegedly paid members of the computer underground to...

World-renowned hackers gathering in Malaysia
2004-08-27 10:12 August 27, 2004 KUALA LUMPUR: More than 20 world-renowned hackers -- not crackers -- will congregate...

Cisco warns of flaws in ACS product
2004-08-27 10:12,10801,95514,00.html By Paul Roberts AUGUST 26, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Networking equipment maker Cisco Systems Inc. is warning customers...