Vulnerabilities > CVE-2010-0740 - Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Openssl

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
Confidentiality impact
Integrity impact
Availability impact
exploit available


The ssl3_get_record function in ssl/s3_pkt.c in OpenSSL 0.9.8f through 0.9.8m allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a malformed record in a TLS connection that triggers a NULL pointer dereference, related to the minor version number. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

  • Buffer Overflow via Environment Variables
    This attack pattern involves causing a buffer overflow through manipulation of environment variables. Once the attacker finds that they can modify an environment variable, they may try to overflow associated buffers. This attack leverages implicit trust often placed in environment variables.
  • Server Side Include (SSI) Injection
    An attacker can use Server Side Include (SSI) Injection to send code to a web application that then gets executed by the web server. Doing so enables the attacker to achieve similar results to Cross Site Scripting, viz., arbitrary code execution and information disclosure, albeit on a more limited scale, since the SSI directives are nowhere near as powerful as a full-fledged scripting language. Nonetheless, the attacker can conveniently gain access to sensitive files, such as password files, and execute shell commands.
  • Cross Zone Scripting
    An attacker is able to cause a victim to load content into their web-browser that bypasses security zone controls and gain access to increased privileges to execute scripting code or other web objects such as unsigned ActiveX controls or applets. This is a privilege elevation attack targeted at zone-based web-browser security. In a zone-based model, pages belong to one of a set of zones corresponding to the level of privilege assigned to that page. Pages in an untrusted zone would have a lesser level of access to the system and/or be restricted in the types of executable content it was allowed to invoke. In a cross-zone scripting attack, a page that should be assigned to a less privileged zone is granted the privileges of a more trusted zone. This can be accomplished by exploiting bugs in the browser, exploiting incorrect configuration in the zone controls, through a cross-site scripting attack that causes the attackers' content to be treated as coming from a more trusted page, or by leveraging some piece of system functionality that is accessible from both the trusted and less trusted zone. This attack differs from "Restful Privilege Escalation" in that the latter correlates to the inadequate securing of RESTful access methods (such as HTTP DELETE) on the server, while cross-zone scripting attacks the concept of security zones as implemented by a browser.
  • Cross Site Scripting through Log Files
    An attacker may leverage a system weakness where logs are susceptible to log injection to insert scripts into the system's logs. If these logs are later viewed by an administrator through a thin administrative interface and the log data is not properly HTML encoded before being written to the page, the attackers' scripts stored in the log will be executed in the administrative interface with potentially serious consequences. This attack pattern is really a combination of two other attack patterns: log injection and stored cross site scripting.
  • Command Line Execution through SQL Injection
    An attacker uses standard SQL injection methods to inject data into the command line for execution. This could be done directly through misuse of directives such as MSSQL_xp_cmdshell or indirectly through injection of data into the database that would be interpreted as shell commands. Sometime later, an unscrupulous backend application (or could be part of the functionality of the same application) fetches the injected data stored in the database and uses this data as command line arguments without performing proper validation. The malicious data escapes that data plane by spawning new commands to be executed on the host.


descriptionOpenSSL remote DoS. CVE-2010-0740. Dos exploit for linux platform
last seen2016-02-01
titleOpenSSL - Remote DoS


  • NASL familyMandriva Local Security Checks
    descriptionThis update fixes several security issues in openssl : - The ssl3_get_record function in ssl/s3_pkt.c in OpenSSL 0.9.8f through 0.9.8m allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a malformed record in a TLS connection (CVE-2010-0740) - OpenSSL before 0.9.8m does not check for a NULL return value from bn_wexpand function calls which has unspecified impact and context-dependent attack vectors (CVE-2009-3245) - The kssl_keytab_is_available function in ssl/kssl.c in OpenSSL before 0.9.8n, when Kerberos is enabled but Kerberos configuration files cannot be opened, could allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and daemon crash) (CVE-2010-0433) - Finally, this update provides support for secure renegotiation, preventing men-in-the-middle attacks (CVE-2009-3555). Packages for 2008.0 and 2009.0 are provided due to the Extended Maintenance Program for those products. Update : Packages for 2009.0 are provided due to the Extended Maintenance Program.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id45563
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2010-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMandriva Linux Security Advisory : openssl (MDVSA-2010:076-1)
    #%NASL_MIN_LEVEL 80502
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    # The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were  
    # extracted from Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDVSA-2010:076. 
    # The text itself is copyright (C) Mandriva S.A.
    if (description)
      script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/08/02 13:32:53");
      script_cve_id("CVE-2009-3245", "CVE-2009-3555", "CVE-2010-0433", "CVE-2010-0740");
      script_bugtraq_id(36935, 38533, 38562, 39013);
      script_xref(name:"MDVSA", value:"2010:076-1");
      script_name(english:"Mandriva Linux Security Advisory : openssl (MDVSA-2010:076-1)");
      script_summary(english:"Checks rpm output for the updated packages");
    "The remote Mandriva Linux host is missing one or more security
    "This update fixes several security issues in openssl :
      - The ssl3_get_record function in ssl/s3_pkt.c in OpenSSL
        0.9.8f through 0.9.8m allows remote attackers to cause a
        denial of service (crash) via a malformed record in a
        TLS connection (CVE-2010-0740)
      - OpenSSL before 0.9.8m does not check for a NULL return
        value from bn_wexpand function calls which has
        unspecified impact and context-dependent attack vectors
      - The kssl_keytab_is_available function in ssl/kssl.c in
        OpenSSL before 0.9.8n, when Kerberos is enabled but
        Kerberos configuration files cannot be opened, could
        allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service
        (NULL pointer dereference and daemon crash)
      - Finally, this update provides support for secure
        renegotiation, preventing men-in-the-middle attacks
    Packages for 2008.0 and 2009.0 are provided due to the Extended
    Maintenance Program for those products.
    Update :
    Packages for 2009.0 are provided due to the Extended Maintenance
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:"Update the affected packages.");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
      script_cwe_id(20, 310);
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:lib64openssl0.9.8");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:lib64openssl0.9.8-devel");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:lib64openssl0.9.8-static-devel");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:libopenssl0.9.8");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:libopenssl0.9.8-devel");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:libopenssl0.9.8-static-devel");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:openssl");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:mandriva:linux:2009.0");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2010/04/19");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2010/04/19");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2010-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
      script_family(english:"Mandriva Local Security Checks");
      script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/cpu", "Host/Mandrake/release", "Host/Mandrake/rpm-list");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/Mandrake/release")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Mandriva / Mandake Linux");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/Mandrake/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
    cpu = get_kb_item("Host/cpu");
    if (isnull(cpu)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
    if (cpu !~ "^(amd64|i[3-6]86|x86_64)$") audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Mandriva / Mandrake Linux", cpu);
    flag = 0;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK2009.0", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"lib64openssl0.9.8-0.9.8h-3.7mdv2009.0", yank:"mdv")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK2009.0", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"lib64openssl0.9.8-devel-0.9.8h-3.7mdv2009.0", yank:"mdv")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK2009.0", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"lib64openssl0.9.8-static-devel-0.9.8h-3.7mdv2009.0", yank:"mdv")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK2009.0", cpu:"i386", reference:"libopenssl0.9.8-0.9.8h-3.7mdv2009.0", yank:"mdv")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK2009.0", cpu:"i386", reference:"libopenssl0.9.8-devel-0.9.8h-3.7mdv2009.0", yank:"mdv")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK2009.0", cpu:"i386", reference:"libopenssl0.9.8-static-devel-0.9.8h-3.7mdv2009.0", yank:"mdv")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK2009.0", reference:"openssl-0.9.8h-3.7mdv2009.0", yank:"mdv")) flag++;
    if (flag)
      if (report_verbosity > 0) security_hole(port:0, extra:rpm_report_get());
      else security_hole(0);
    else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");
  • NASL familyAIX Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe version of OpenSSL running on the remote host is affected by the following vulnerabilities : - In TLS connections, certain incorrectly formatted records can cause an OpenSSL client or server to crash due to a read attempt at NULL. OpenSSL before 0.9.8m does not check for a NULL return value from bn_wexpand function calls in (1) crypto/bn/bn_div.c, (2) crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c, (3) crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.c, and (4) engines e_ubsec.c, which has an unspecified impact and context-dependent attack vectors. (CVE-2009-3245) - The kssl_keytab_is_available function in ssl/kssl.c in OpenSSL before 0.9.8n, when Kerberos is enabled but Kerberos configuration files cannot be opened, does not check a certain return value, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and daemon crash) via SSL cipher negotiation, as demonstrated by a chroot installation of Dovecot or stunnel without Kerberos configuration files inside the chroot. (CVE-2010-0433) - The ssl3_get_record function in ssl/s3_pkt.c in OpenSSL 0.9.8f through 0.9.8m allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a malformed record in a TLS connection that triggers a NULL pointer dereference, related to the minor version number. (CVE-2010-0740)
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id73559
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleAIX OpenSSL Advisory : openssl_advisory.asc
    #%NASL_MIN_LEVEL 80502
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    # The text in the description was extracted from AIX Security
    # Advisory openssl_advisory.asc.
    if (description)
      script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/09/16 14:13:03");
      script_cve_id("CVE-2009-3245", "CVE-2010-0433", "CVE-2010-0740");
      script_bugtraq_id(38533, 38562, 39013);
      script_name(english:"AIX OpenSSL Advisory : openssl_advisory.asc");
      script_summary(english:"Checks the version of the openssl packages");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:"The remote AIX host is running a vulnerable version of OpenSSL.");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
    "The version of OpenSSL running on the remote host is affected by the
    following vulnerabilities :
      - In TLS connections, certain incorrectly formatted
        records can cause an OpenSSL client or server to crash
        due to a read attempt at NULL. OpenSSL before 0.9.8m
        does not check for a NULL return value from bn_wexpand
        function calls in (1) crypto/bn/bn_div.c, (2)
        crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c, (3) crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.c, and (4)
        engines e_ubsec.c, which has an unspecified impact and
        context-dependent attack vectors. (CVE-2009-3245)
      - The kssl_keytab_is_available function in ssl/kssl.c in
        OpenSSL before 0.9.8n, when Kerberos is enabled but
        Kerberos configuration files cannot be opened, does not
        check a certain return value, which allows remote
        attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer
        dereference and daemon crash) via SSL cipher
        negotiation, as demonstrated by a chroot installation of
        Dovecot or stunnel without Kerberos configuration files
        inside the chroot. (CVE-2010-0433)
      - The ssl3_get_record function in ssl/s3_pkt.c in OpenSSL
        0.9.8f through 0.9.8m allows remote attackers to cause a
        denial of service (crash) via a malformed record in a
        TLS connection that triggers a NULL pointer dereference,
        related to the minor version number. (CVE-2010-0740)");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
    "A fix is available, and it can be downloaded from the AIX website.
    To extract the fixes from the tar file :
      zcat openssl. | tar xvf -
      zcat openssl-fips. | tar xvf -
      zcat openssl. | tar xvf -
    IMPORTANT : If possible, it is recommended that a mksysb backup of
    the system be created.  Verify it is both bootable and readable
    before proceeding.
    To preview the fix installation :
      installp -apYd . openssl
    To install the fix package :
      installp -aXYd . openssl");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:ibm:aix");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2010/02/23");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2010/05/21");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2014/04/16");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2014-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
      script_family(english:"AIX Local Security Checks");
      script_require_keys("Host/AIX/lslpp", "Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/AIX/version");
    if ( ! get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled") ) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
    oslevel = get_kb_item_or_exit("Host/AIX/version");
    if ( oslevel != "AIX-5.2" && oslevel != "AIX-5.3" && oslevel != "AIX-6.1" )
      oslevel = ereg_replace(string:oslevel, pattern:"-", replace:" ");
      audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "AIX 5.2 / 5.3 / 6.1", oslevel);
    if ( ! get_kb_item("Host/AIX/lslpp") ) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
    flag = 0;
    if (aix_check_package(release:"5.2", package:"openssl.base", minpackagever:"", maxpackagever:"", fixpackagever:"") > 0) flag++;
    if (aix_check_package(release:"5.3", package:"openssl.base", minpackagever:"", maxpackagever:"", fixpackagever:"") > 0) flag++;
    if (aix_check_package(release:"6.1", package:"openssl.base", minpackagever:"", maxpackagever:"", fixpackagever:"") > 0) flag++;
    if (aix_check_package(release:"5.3", package:"openssl-fips.base", minpackagever:"", maxpackagever:"", fixpackagever:"") > 0) flag++;
    if (aix_check_package(release:"6.1", package:"openssl-fips.base", minpackagever:"", maxpackagever:"", fixpackagever:"") > 0) flag++;
    if (flag)
        port       : 0,
        severity   : SECURITY_HOLE,
        extra      : aix_report_get()
      tested = aix_pkg_tests_get();
      if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
      else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "openssl.base / openssl-fips.base");
  • NASL familyVMware ESX Local Security Checks
    NASL idVMWARE_VMSA-2011-0003.NASL
    descriptiona. vCenter Server and vCenter Update Manager update Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to Service Pack 3 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SQL Express) distributed with vCenter Server 4.1 Update 1 and vCenter Update Manager 4.1 Update 1 is upgraded from SQL Express Service Pack 2 to SQL Express Service Pack 3, to address multiple security issues that exist in the earlier releases of Microsoft SQL Express. Customers using other database solutions need not update for these issues. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the names CVE-2008-5416, CVE-2008-0085, CVE-2008-0086, CVE-2008-0107 and CVE-2008-0106 to the issues addressed in MS SQL Express Service Pack 3. b. vCenter Apache Tomcat Management Application Credential Disclosure The Apache Tomcat Manager application configuration file contains logon credentials that can be read by unprivileged local users. The issue is resolved by removing the Manager application in vCenter 4.1 Update 1. If vCenter 4.1 is updated to vCenter 4.1 Update 1 the logon credentials are not present in the configuration file after the update. VMware would like to thank Claudio Criscione of Secure Networking for reporting this issue to us. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Project ( has assigned the name CVE-2010-2928 to this issue. c. vCenter Server and ESX, Oracle (Sun) JRE is updated to version 1.6.0_21 Oracle (Sun) JRE update to version 1.6.0_21, which addresses multiple security issues that existed in earlier releases of Oracle (Sun) JRE. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the following names to the security issues fixed in Oracle (Sun) JRE 1.6.0_19: CVE-2009-3555, CVE-2010-0082, CVE-2010-0084, CVE-2010-0085, CVE-2010-0087, CVE-2010-0088, CVE-2010-0089, CVE-2010-0090, CVE-2010-0091, CVE-2010-0092, CVE-2010-0093, CVE-2010-0094, CVE-2010-0095, CVE-2010-0837, CVE-2010-0838, CVE-2010-0839, CVE-2010-0840, CVE-2010-0841, CVE-2010-0842, CVE-2010-0843, CVE-2010-0844, CVE-2010-0845, CVE-2010-0846, CVE-2010-0847, CVE-2010-0848, CVE-2010-0849, CVE-2010-0850. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the following name to the security issue fixed in Oracle (Sun) JRE 1.6.0_20: CVE-2010-0886. d. vCenter Update Manager Oracle (Sun) JRE is updated to version 1.5.0_26 Oracle (Sun) JRE update to version 1.5.0_26, which addresses multiple security issues that existed in earlier releases of Oracle (Sun) JRE. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the following names to the security issues fixed in Oracle (Sun) JRE 1.5.0_26: CVE-2010-3556, CVE-2010-3566, CVE-2010-3567, CVE-2010-3550, CVE-2010-3561, CVE-2010-3573, CVE-2010-3565,CVE-2010-3568, CVE-2010-3569, CVE-2009-3555, CVE-2010-1321, CVE-2010-3548, CVE-2010-3551, CVE-2010-3562, CVE-2010-3571, CVE-2010-3554, CVE-2010-3559, CVE-2010-3572, CVE-2010-3553, CVE-2010-3549, CVE-2010-3557, CVE-2010-3541, CVE-2010-3574. e. vCenter Server and ESX Apache Tomcat updated to version 6.0.28 Apache Tomcat updated to version 6.0.28, which addresses multiple security issues that existed in earlier releases of Apache Tomcat The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the following names to the security issues fixed in Apache Tomcat 6.0.24: CVE-2009-2693, CVE-2009-2901, CVE-2009-2902,i and CVE-2009-3548. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the following names to the security issues fixed in Apache Tomcat 6.0.28: CVE-2010-2227, CVE-2010-1157. f. vCenter Server third-party component OpenSSL updated to version 0.9.8n The version of the OpenSSL library in vCenter Server is updated to 0.9.8n. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the names CVE-2010-0740 and CVE-2010-0433 to the issues addressed in this version of OpenSSL. g. ESX third-party component OpenSSL updated to version 0.9.8p The version of the ESX OpenSSL library is updated to 0.9.8p. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the names CVE-2010-3864 and CVE-2010-2939 to the issues addressed in this update. h. ESXi third-party component cURL updated The version of cURL library in ESXi is updated. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the name CVE-2010-0734 to the issues addressed in this update. i. ESX third-party component pam_krb5 updated The version of pam_krb5 library is updated. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the names CVE-2008-3825 and CVE-2009-1384 to the issues addressed in the update. j. ESX third-party update for Service Console kernel The Service Console kernel is updated to include kernel version 2.6.18-194.11.1. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the names CVE-2010-1084, CVE-2010-2066, CVE-2010-2070, CVE-2010-2226, CVE-2010-2248, CVE-2010-2521, CVE-2010-2524, CVE-2010-0008, CVE-2010-0415, CVE-2010-0437, CVE-2009-4308, CVE-2010-0003, CVE-2010-0007, CVE-2010-0307, CVE-2010-1086, CVE-2010-0410, CVE-2010-0730, CVE-2010-1085, CVE-2010-0291, CVE-2010-0622, CVE-2010-1087, CVE-2010-1173, CVE-2010-1437, CVE-2010-1088, CVE-2010-1187, CVE-2010-1436, CVE-2010-1641, and CVE-2010-3081 to the issues addressed in the update. Notes : - The update also addresses the 64-bit compatibility mode stack pointer underflow issue identified by CVE-2010-3081. This issue was patched in an ESX 4.1 patch prior to the release of ESX 4.1 Update 1 and in a previous ESX 4.0 patch release. - The update also addresses CVE-2010-2240 for ESX 4.0.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id51971
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleVMSA-2011-0003 : Third-party component updates for VMware vCenter Server, vCenter Update Manager, ESXi and ESX
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2010-8742.NASL
    descriptionThis update fixes multiple bugs and security issues. It especially adds support for RFC5746. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id47509
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2010-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFedora 12 : openssl-1.0.0-4.fc12 (2010-8742)
  • NASL familyWeb Servers
    descriptionAccording to its banner, the remote web server is running a version of OpenSSL older than 0.9.8n. Such versions have the following vulnerabilities : - Kerberos-enabled versions of OpenSSL do not check the return value when Kerberos configuration files cannot be opened, leading to a crash. (CVE-2010-0433) - Rejecting a SSL/TLS record with an incorrect version number can lead to a crash. This only affects version 0.9.8m if a
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id45359
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleOpenSSL < 0.9.8n Multiple Vulnerabilities
  • NASL familyMisc.
    descriptionThe remote VMware ESX / ESXi host is missing a security-related patch. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities, including remote code execution vulnerabilities, in several third-party components and libraries : - Apache Tomcat - Apache Tomcat Manager - cURL - Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - Kernel - Microsoft SQL Express - OpenSSL - pam_krb5
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id89674
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleVMware ESX / ESXi Third-Party Libraries Multiple Vulnerabilities (VMSA-2011-0003) (remote check)
  • NASL familyF5 Networks Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe ssl3_get_record function in ssl/s3_pkt.c in OpenSSL 0.9.8f through 0.9.8m allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a malformed record in a TLS connection that triggers a NULL pointer de-reference, related to the minor version number.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id78126
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleF5 Networks BIG-IP : OpenSSL vulnerability (SOL11533)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2010-5744.NASL
    descriptionUpdate to final release of upstream version 1.0.0. The update fixes important security vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-3245, CVE-2009-4355, CVE-2010-0433, and CVE-2010-0740. Refer to upstream CHANGES file for the detailed list of changes. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id47405
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2010-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFedora 13 : openssl-1.0.0-1.fc13 (2010-5744)
  • NASL familySlackware Local Security Checks
    NASL idSLACKWARE_SSA_2010-090-01.NASL
    descriptionNew openssl packages are available for Slackware 11.0, 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 13.0, and -current to fix security issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id45400
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleSlackware 11.0 / 12.0 / 12.1 / 12.2 / 13.0 / current : openssl (SSA:2010-090-01)
  • NASL familyGentoo Local Security Checks
    NASL idGENTOO_GLSA-201110-01.NASL
    descriptionThe remote host is affected by the vulnerability described in GLSA-201110-01 (OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities) Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenSSL. Please review the CVE identifiers referenced below for details. Impact : A context-dependent attacker could cause a Denial of Service, possibly execute arbitrary code, bypass intended key requirements, force the downgrade to unintended ciphers, bypass the need for knowledge of shared secrets and successfully authenticate, bypass CRL validation, or obtain sensitive information in applications that use OpenSSL. Workaround : There is no known workaround at this time.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id56425
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleGLSA-201110-01 : OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities
  • NASL familyMacOS X Local Security Checks
    NASL idMACOSX_10_6_8.NASL
    descriptionThe remote host is running a version of Mac OS X 10.6.x that is prior to 10.6.8. This update contains security-related fixes for the following components : - App Store - ATS - Certificate Trust Policy - CoreFoundation - CoreGraphics - FTP Server - ImageIO - International Components for Unicode - Kernel - Libsystem - libxslt - MobileMe - MySQL - OpenSSL - patch - QuickLook - QuickTime - Samba - servermgrd - subversion
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id55416
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2011-2018 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMac OS X 10.6.x < 10.6.8 Multiple Vulnerabilities


  • nameVarun Narula
  • nameSushant Kumar Singh
  • nameSushant Kumar Singh
  • namePrashant Kumar
  • nameMike Cokus
    organizationThe MITRE Corporation
descriptionThe ssl3_get_record function in ssl/s3_pkt.c in OpenSSL 0.9.8f through 0.9.8m allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a malformed record in a TLS connection that triggers a NULL pointer dereference, related to the minor version number. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.
titleHP-UX Running OpenSSL, Remote Unauthorized Information Disclosure, Unauthorized Data Modification, Denial of Service (DoS)


  • bulletinFamilyexploit
    descriptionNo description provided by source.
    last seen2017-11-19
    titleOpenSSL - Remote DoS
  • bulletinFamilyexploit
    descriptionCVE ID: CVE-2010-0740 OpenSSL是一种开放源码的SSL实现,用来实现网络通信的高强度加密,现在被广泛地用于各种网络应用程序中。 在TLS连接中,某些错误格式的小版本号记录可能会在OpenSSL的ssl/s3_pkt.c文件的ssl3_get_record函数中触发空指针引用,导致拒绝服务的情况。 OpenSSL Project OpenSSL 0.9.8f - 0.9.8m 厂商补丁: OpenSSL Project --------------- 目前厂商已经发布了升级补丁以修复这个安全问题,请到厂商的主页下载:
    last seen2017-11-19
    titleOpenSSL TLS连接记录处理拒绝服务漏洞


contributorVincent Danen
organizationRed Hat
statementNot vulnerable. This issue did not affect the versions of openssl as shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4, or 5.