Security News

Tor Cloud project reaches the end of the line (Help Net Security)
2015-05-11 14:08

The Tor Project has discontinued the Tor Cloud project due to a lack of dedicated software developers and maintainers. The Tor Cloud project was started in late 2011, with the aim to provide a user...

Tor Browser 4.5. is out, with new security and privacy upgrades (Help Net Security)
2015-04-29 09:36

The Tor Project has released version 4.5 of its popular Tor Browser, and this new version comes with a number of security and privacy improvements. Users can now use a Security Slider to easily set...

The People Who Risk Jail to Maintain the Tor Network
2015-04-28 08:48 BY JOSEPH COX April 27, 2015

70 bad exit nodes used in attack against Tor-based SIGAINT (Help Net Security)
2015-04-24 12:23

Darknet email service SIGAINT, which aims to provide email privacy to journalists, has been targeted by unknown attackers using at least 70 bad exit nodes, the service's administrator has shared on t...