Security News

BREAKING — U.S Sues Edward Snowden and You'd be Surprised to Know Why
2019-09-17 17:49

The United States today filed a lawsuit against Edward Snowden, a former employee of the CIA and NSA government agencies who made headlines worldwide in 2013 after he fled the country and leaked...

Snowden Says He Would Return to US If He Can Get a Fair Trial
2019-09-16 17:42

Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency contractor living in Russia after leaking information about the US government's mass surveillance program, has said he would like to return home if he...

Life After Snowden: US Still Lacks Whistleblowing Rules
2019-09-16 16:48

Intelligence Community May Be Incubating Snowden 2.0, Former NSA Employee WarnsAhead of the release of Edward Snowden's memoirs chronicling his decision to bring illegal "big data" domestic U.S....

Snowden Says Would Like French Asylum
2019-09-16 07:52

Whistleblower Edward Snowden, living in Russia since leaking a trove of classified documents showing the scope of post-9/11 US government surveillance, wants to claim asylum in France, according...

Former NSA Contractor Edward Snowden Publishing Memoir
2019-08-01 14:41

Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who fled to Russia after leaking information about the US government's mass surveillance program, is publishing a memoir. The book,...

NSA: That ginormous effort to slurp up Americans' phone records that Snowden exposed? Ehhh, we don't need that no more
2019-04-26 00:31

An attack of conscience or have the super-snoops got something better now? The NSA's mass-logging of people's phone calls and text messages, at home and abroad – a surveillance program introduced...

First Look Media Shutting Down Access to Snowden NSA Archives
2019-03-21 10:52

The Daily Beast is reporting that First Look Media -- home of The Intercept and Glenn Greenwald -- is shutting down access to the Snowden archives. The Intercept was the home for Greenwald's...

NSA may kill off mass phone spying program Snowden exposed, says Congressional staffer
2019-03-05 23:25

But really it's just the start of the latest surveillance chess game Special report The NSA may kill off a controversial mass surveillance program of Americans that was exposed by Edward Snowden,...

Snowden’s Attorney Urges Canada to Take in Whistleblower Helpers (Part Two)
2019-01-07 17:12

Robert Tibbo discusses being pushed to leave Hong Kong under pressure and efforts made to the Canadian government to grant refugee status to the “Snowden refugees.”

Snowden’s Attorney Talks Govt Harrassment of Whistleblower Helpers (Part One)
2019-01-03 16:25

Robert Tibbo discusses the challenges he and his clients face in Hong Kong as the government there targets both in a harassment campaign for aiding Edward Snowden.