Security News

PowerGen coughs up after security scandal
2000-07-22 07:04 James Middleton 21 Jul 2000 PowerGen is in the process of writing to each of its 7000 online customers to offer them 50 compensation for inconvenience...

Security, the Way It Should Be
2000-07-11 06:51,1213,NAV47_STO46810,00.html July 10, 2000 BY DEBORAH RADCLIFF Today, security is often provided by patched-together, reactionary defenses, which many...

Web security ups ante, goes nuclear
2000-06-01 18:42

[WK Note: Check out, for an already existing former MoD nuclear bunker turned Internet security complex.],4586,2579948,00.html By...

Love Bug Prompts Security Experts To Poke at Microsoft's              Weak              Points
2000-05-24 18:01

Forwarded by: Marjorie Simmons Love Bug Prompts Security Experts To Poke at Microsoft's Weak Points Lee Gomes, Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL...

Security Hole found in NAI Firewall
2000-05-22 19:29

Forwarded From: John Kleinschmidt Security Hole found in NAI Firewall Censorware gaffe turns "World's Most Secure Firewall" into open door. By Kevin Poulsen...

DOE oblivious to security issues, top officials say
1999-10-28 18:25 From: "James J. Capone" DOE oblivious to security issues, top officials say (IDG) -- The former director of the Energy...

IE5 security bugs prevent 5.01 release
1999-10-01 00:09

From: "Noonan, Michael D" (Courtesy of Paul Thurrott's WinInfo e-newsletter) Buggy IE 5 causing fits for Microsoft It may be the dominant Web browser and the overwhelming technological champion,...

Borders on the Internet are Internet security!
1999-09-24 00:27

From: rdom China Youth Daily, 9/13/99 Some believe that national borders do not exist on the Internet. Absolutely not! Borders on the Internet are Internet security! Some...