Security News

Small firms 'shun' PC security
2003-05-16 07:29 15 May, 2003 Britain's small businesses are taking risks with the security of their computer networks, say experts. A survey has found that...

Security research exemption to DMCA considered
2003-05-14 05:17 By Kevin Poulsen SecurityFocus May 13 2003 Computer security researchers would be allowed to hack through copy protection schemes in order to look for...

Businesses 'unaware of basic on-line security'
2003-05-12 08:31 Brisbane May 12 2003 Businesses and other organisations were paying dearly because they did not bother with basic security to protect...

Offshore Coding Work Raises Security Concerns
2003-05-06 05:23,10801,80935,00.html By DAN VERTON MAY 05, 2003 Computerworld MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. -- IT professionals are raising serious questions about...

How to ensure security compliance with HIPAA
2003-05-02 05:18

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,80812,00.html By Marcia J. Wilson MAY 01, 2003 Computerworld The Health Insurance Portability and...

IDC: Bright future for IT security services
2003-05-01 07:59,10801,80790,00.html By Paul Roberts IDG News Service APRIL 29, 2003 The results of a new study from research firm IDC offer a strong...

Public/private security partnership gets rocky
2003-04-28 06:19,10801,80704,00.html By DAN VERTON APRIL 25, 2003 Computerworld WASHINGTON -- The changing of the cybersecurity guard at the U.S....

War, ethics and security
2003-04-10 07:25,10801,80185,00.html By Marcia Wilson APRIL 09, 2003 Computerworld The cyberwar has intensified along with the war in Iraq, or so we...

Intelligence ops in Baghdad show need for physical security back home
2003-04-09 10:18

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,80156,00.html By DAN VERTON APRIL 08, 2003 Computerworld The U.S. Central Command today declined...

Handle Corporate Security As Single Entity, Users Say
2003-04-08 11:15,10801,80069,00.html By JAIKUMAR VIJAYAN APRIL 07, 2003 Computerworld Chicago - Companies can improve their ability to detect and...