Security News

Half of companies under DDoS attack have critical data stolen (Help Net Security)
2015-03-31 08:40

Neustar surveyed IT professionals from across EMEA to understand the impact of DDoS attacks. 40 percent of companies estimate hourly losses of over £100,000 at peak times during a DDoS outage,...

Look where you're going before backing up (Help Net Security)
2015-03-31 07:16

For all intents and purposes, the 31st of March is not a day that infers significance. It is the 90th day in the Gregorian calendar (leap years aside), and is the home for April Fools’ preparations ev...

Puush servers compromised to deliver malware disguised of as app update (Help Net Security)
2015-03-31 07:03

Users of screenshot-grabbing-and-easy-sharing app Puush are in danger of having their passwords stolen by malware that masquerades as the (then) latest update for the app. It seems that the company...

The importance of backup (Help Net Security)
2015-03-31 07:01

Over 75 percent of consumers store their data digitally and more than 50 percent state that their personal data are more valuable than their actual devices – solidifying that consumers know they need ...