Security News

Hacking Team's RCS Android: The most sophisticated Android malware ever exposed (Help Net Security)
2015-07-22 13:05

As each day passes and researchers find more and more source code in the huge Hacking Team data dump, it becomes more clear what the company's customers could do with the spyware, and what capabilitie...

600TB of data exposed due to misconfigured MongoDB instances (Help Net Security)
2015-07-22 11:52

Shodan, the search engine that lets users find devices connected to the Internet, can be used for a number of different things. As its creator, John Matherly, pointed out, it's a means to measure thin...

Google Chrome update includes 43 security fixes (Help Net Security)
2015-07-22 09:36

Google has released Chrome version 44.0.2403.89 for Windows, Mac, and Linux to address multiple vulnerabilities. Exploitation of one of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to take control ...

Passwords are not treated as critical to security (Help Net Security)
2015-07-22 09:19

Considering the cyber world we live in, it’s time to ask whether passwords can still be considered a reliable security component – and if so, how should they be used? Look no further than Major League...

It's official: The average DDoS attack size is increasing (Help Net Security)
2015-07-22 07:00

New global DDoS attack data from Arbor Networks shows strong growth in the average size of DDoS attacks, from both a bits-per-second and packets-per-second perspective. The largest attack monitor...

Information security governance practices are maturing (Help Net Security)
2015-07-22 06:54

Information security governance practices are maturing according to Gartner's annual end-user survey for privacy, IT risk management, information security, business continuity or regulatory compliance...

Top obstacles to EMV readiness (Help Net Security)
2015-07-22 06:45

By October 1, 2015, the majority of U.S. businesses must transition to EMV-capable technologies or become newly liable for any costs incurred from fraud using old magnetic strip technologies. Sixty...