Security News

Policy Experts Push To Make Vulnerability Equities Process Law (Threatpost)
2017-02-23 21:37

By making the Vulnerability Equities Process law, advocates of the idea argue there would be more reliability, transparency and accountability in the process of government vulnerability disclosure.

DoD Publishes Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (Threatpost)
2016-11-22 13:57

In the wake of the Pentagon and Army bug bounties, the government continues to engage researchers with the publication of the DoD’s vulnerability disclosure program.

61% of employers have no BYOD policy (Help Net Security)
2016-10-26 12:00

Trustlook has shared findings on the latest BYOD trends and best practices from a survey of 320 Android users. “Some findings validated existing beliefs, while others were truly stunning in terms...

New Google Tools Help Devs Improve Content Security Policy Protection (Threatpost)
2016-09-27 15:44

Google released CSP Evaluator and CSP Mitigator to aid developers in building better Content Security Policy protections for web applications.

New Windows Patch Policy At Odds With Acceptable Risk (Threatpost)
2016-09-12 19:38

Microsoft’s switch to rollup patching for Windows 7/8.1 will have an impact on security, one expert says.

Organization must modify the network access policy to address IoT devices (Help Net Security)
2016-09-12 13:05

By 2020, 21 billion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be in use worldwide. Of these, close to 6 percent will be in use for industrial IoT applications. However, IT organizations have issues...