Security News

Webroot released its annual Nastiest Malware list, shedding light on 2019’s worst cybersecurity threats. From ransomware strains and cryptomining campaigns that delivered the most attack payloads...

A currently ongoing mobile-aware phishing campaign is targeting various non-governmental entities worldwide, including United Nations humanitarian organizations such as UNICEF, Lookout reports. read more

Experts Offer Insights on Mitigating the ThreatRecent health data breaches involving phishing schemes are reminders of the persistent threat email-related scams pose to healthcare organizations -...

Most cyber attacks start with a social engineering attempt and, most often that not, it takes the form of a phishing email. It’s easy to understand the popularity of this attack vector: phishing...

The researchers' "Smart Spies" apps showed how Amazon Alexa and Google Home users could be exposed to vishing and eavesdropping.

Silent Librarian cyberattackers are switching up tactics in a phishing scheme bent on stealing student credentials.

Iranian-Backed Hacking Group Targeting Research Universities"Silent Librarian," a hacking group with apparent ties to the Iranian government, is continuing to revamp and refine its phishing...

The Iranian state-sponsored threat actor known as Charming Kitten employed new spear-phishing methods in a campaign observed in August and September, ClearSky’s security researchers report. read more

1 in 50 URLs are malicious, nearly one-third of phishing sites use HTTPS and Windows 7 exploits have grown 75% since January. A new Webroot report also highlights the importance of user education,...

Enters Not Guilty Plea in Alleged $1 Million SchemeA Nigerian man charged with helping to run a $1 million phishing scheme that targeted the Government Services Administration and other agencies...