Security News

Security of St. Jude Pacemakers (Schneier on Security)
2017-05-03 15:25

This is a good summary article about the horrible security of St. Jude pacemakers, and the history of the company not doing anything about it....

Insecure pacemakers can be easily hacked (Help Net Security)
2016-12-01 21:37

A group of researchers has discovered that it’s not that difficult for a “weak adversary” with limited resources and capabilities to fiddle with or even shut down a variety of insecure pacemakers...

New Jamming Tech Could Protect Pacemakers from Hack Attack
2011-09-09 07:58 By David DiSalvo Pharma & Healthcare 9/08/2011

Anti-Terrorism Cloaking Device...For Pacemakers?
2008-08-21 07:10 By Frank Meyer August 20, 2008 So what do you think could be the latest high-tech development...