Security News

Ghidra: NSA's Reverse-Engineering Tool
2019-04-08 14:50

Last month, the NSA released Ghidra, a software reverse-engineering tool. Early reactions are uniformly positive. Three news articles....

NSA Releases Reverse Engineering Tool’s Source Code
2019-04-08 14:15

The National Security Agency (NSA) has made the source code for its "Ghidra" reverse engineering tool available for everyone.  read more

NSA Releases GHIDRA Source Code — Free Reverse Engineering Tool
2019-04-04 18:33

Update (4/4/2019) — Great news. NSA today finally released the complete source code for GHIDRA version 9.0.2 which is now available on its Github repository. GHIDRA is agency's home-grown...

NSA-Inspired Vulnerability Found in Huawei Laptops
2019-03-29 11:11

This is an interesting story of a serious vulnerability in a Huawei driver that Microsoft found. The vulnerability is similar in style to the NSA's DOUBLEPULSAR that was leaked by the Shadow...

Ex-NSA Contractor Pleads Guilty to 20-Year-Long Theft of Classified Data
2019-03-29 07:18

A former National Security Agency contractor—who stole an enormous amount of sensitive information from the agency and then stored it at his home and car for over two decades—today changed his...

Ex-NSA Contractor Pleads Guilty in Theft of Secret Documents
2019-03-29 05:55

A former National Security Agency contractor accused in a theft of classified documents from the agency’s headquarters pleaded guilty Thursday to willful retention of national defense information....

Leaky Martin will be livin' la vida lockdown: Ex-NSA bod cops to taking home 'up to 50TB' of hush-hush dossiers
2019-03-29 01:14

'Hoarder' faces up to nine years in the clink for harvesting Uncle Sam's top secrets Ex-NSA contractor Harold Martin has admitted he took home piles of top-secret US government reports and other...

Leaky Martin will be livin' la vida lockdown: Ex-NSA bod cops to taking home '50TB' of hush-hush dossiers
2019-03-29 01:14

'Hoarder' faces up to nine years in the clink for harvesting Uncle Sam's top secrets Ex-NSA contractor Harold Martin has admitted he took home piles of top-secret US government reports and other...

Leaky Martin will be livin' la vida lockdown: Ex-NSA bod cops to taking home '50TB' of hush-hush spy files
2019-03-29 01:14

'Hoarder' faces up to nine years in the cooler for taking home snoop agency's secrets Ex-NSA contractor Harold Martin has admitted he took home piles of top-secret reports and blueprints from...

Ex-NSA Contractor Expected to Plead Guilty in Document Theft
2019-03-28 14:47

A former National Security Agency contractor accused in a massive theft of classified information is expected to plead guilty Thursday in what U.S. prosecutors had once portrayed as a...