Security News

Radio nerd who sipped NHS pager messages then streamed them via webcam may have committed a crime
2019-10-31 16:09

Our old friend the Investigatory Powers Act says so A radio electronics geek has been caught eavesdropping on NHS medics' pager messages, translating the signals into text while broadcasting them...

When you think how infamous NHS-pwning malware's still hitting the unwary, it'll make you WannaCry – Kaspersky
2019-08-30 14:03

Ransomware strain was top customer call-out title in 2018 Kaspersky Lab reckons the number one reason its customers call them for emergency help is because of ransomware – with Wannacry still...

Scots NHS symptom checker pings Facebook, Google and other ad peddlers
2019-07-11 09:45

Privacy, what privacy? You can save our lives but you'll never take our data. Oh, damn, you already have Exclusive NHS Inform, Scotland’s answer to the NHS 111 Online health symptom checker...

25% of NHS trusts have zilch, zip, zero staff who are versed in security
2018-12-11 19:16

Not like there's been a major incident recently to kick them into gear or anything A quarter of NHS trusts in the UK responding to a Freedom of Information request have no staff with security...

It is 2018 and the NHS is still counting the cost of WannaCry. Carry the 2, + aftermath... um... £92m
2018-10-12 13:55

Bigwigs report lots of progress in the cash-flinging department The UK's Department of Health and Social Care released a progress update this week on the hesitant efforts to deal with shonky NHS IT.…

Healthcare security nightmare: UK's NHS lost nearly 10K patient records last year
2018-08-20 13:41

Despite having electronic record systems in place, 94% of NHS Trusts still use handwritten notes for patient record keeping, according to a report from Parliament Street.

NHS Digital Erroneously Reveals Data of 150,000 Patients
2018-07-05 14:17

On Monday July 2, Jackie Doyle-Price, the parliamentary under-secretary of state for health, delivered a written statement  to the UK parliament. It explained that 150,000 NHS patients who had...

'Coding' cockup blamed for NHS cough-up of confidential info against patients' wishes
2018-07-03 10:48

Another day, another UK public health data breach Confidential information on 150,000 NHS patients has been distributed against their wishes for years due to a "coding error" by healthcare...

Cyber nasties downed NHS systems for 1,300 hours over 36 months
2018-06-28 15:50

FoI request reveals extent of attacks on UK healthcare NHS trusts across England experienced more than 1,300 hours of downtime in the last three years, according to results from a Freedom of...

NHS given a lashing for lack of action plan one year since WannaCry
2018-04-18 08:03

Cyber resiliency of the UK's health service still in disarray Nearly a year has passed since the unprecedented WannaCry cyber attack and the UK's NHS has yet to agree an action plan, according to...