Security News

Intel has provided a new update on the Spectre patch situation. Skylake fix ready, others to follow “Earlier this week, we released production microcode updates for several Skylake-based platforms...

After leaving million of devices at risk of hacking and then rolling out broken patches, Intel has now released a new batch of security patches only for its Skylake processors to address one of...

Intel has started releasing new microcode updates that should address one of the Spectre vulnerabilities after the first round of patches caused significant problems for many users. read more

Previous microcode update was reported to cause unwanted system reboots.

Week in review: Intel testing new Spectre fixes, ICO protection, cybercrooks abusing travel industry
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, and whitepapers: British teenager hacked top ranking US officials using social engineering How did British teenager Kane...

Shortly after Red Hat stopped providing microcode to address variant 2 (branch target injection) of the Spectre attack, Intel has advised OEMs, cloud service providers, system manufacturers,...