Security News

Detect and identify IoT malware by analyzing electromagnetic signals
2022-01-10 13:01

Electromagnetic emanations can be recorded and used to detect and identify malware running on IoT devices, a group of researchers working at IRISA have proven. This novel malware detection approach also offers additional advantages: as no specific software has to be installed on the monitored device, it can hardly be detected by the malware and evaded by the malware authors.

Detecting Evasive Malware on IoT Devices Using Electromagnetic Emanations
2022-01-06 07:54

Cybersecurity researchers have proposed a novel approach that leverages electromagnetic field emanations from the Internet of Things devices as a side-channel to glean precise knowledge about the different kinds of malware targeting the embedded systems, even in scenarios where obfuscation techniques have been applied to hinder analysis. With the rapid adoption of IoT appliances presenting an attractive attack surface for threat actors, in part due to them being equipped with higher processing power and capable of running fully functional operating systems, the latest research aims to improve malware analysis to mitigate potential security risks.

LTE IoT market to grow steadily by 2026
2022-01-03 04:30

LTE IoT market is expected to register a healthy CAGR of over 28% during the forecast period, accordig to ResearchAndMarkets. The growth of connected devices and the need for unique and defined network qualities are fueling the growth of the LTE IoT market.

The cool retro phone with a REAL DIAL… plus plenty of IoT problems
2021-12-23 19:58

Even when the mobile phone age arrived, the Chatter Phone retained its dial, its cheese-dish phone styling, and its sideways receiver. We don't how how or if you can dial the plus symbol for overseas calls, but many countries let you use a special digit sequence instead. So, the Chatter Telephone doesn't take a SIM card itself; instead, it pairs with a regular mobile phone and acts, if you like, as a sort of extension - a happy, smiley, cheerful, brightly coloured, child-like extension phone with an actual rotary dial.

IoT SAFE — An Innovative Way to Secure IoT
2021-12-23 04:29

There is a real silent IoT battle going on, and tens of thousands of IoT devices have already been compromised. In order to give you an idea about the level of awareness that is on the rise, the Epidemiology Lab of Orange Cyberdefense provides us with some exciting and frightening figures: In 2019, for example, a vulnerable IoT device could be infected in less than 3 minutes, and in 2021, an IoT device is attacked on an average of 2814 times every single day by more than 100 different botnets trying to hijack it.

Honeypot experiment reveals what hackers want from IoT devices
2021-12-22 21:46

A three-year-long honeypot experiment featuring simulated low-interaction IoT devices of various types and locations gives a clear idea of why actors target specific devices. IoT devices are a booming market that includes small internet-connected devices such as cameras, lights, doorbells, smart TVs, motion sensors, speakers, thermostats, and many more.

S3 Ep62: The S in IoT stands for security (and much more) [Podcast+Transcript]
2021-12-09 19:40

DUCK. That's worrying, because when I checked my Tor browser version, it didn't have the latest NSS, but it had a more recent one than 1999, so that timestamp may be wrong. DUCK. Yes, of all the browsers that you probably want to avoid having [LAUGHS] exploitable privacy violating holes in.

IoT devices must “protect consumers from cyberharm”, says UK government
2021-12-02 19:10

The UK legislature is currently interested in a law about what it calls PSTI, short for Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure. It's a much more modest regulatory proposal, and unlike those proposals that aim to disrupt security and cryptography "Just in case we ever lock the keys in the car", its goal is to demand a modest increase in security and basic cyber-reliability in products such as mobile phones, fitness trackers, internet webcams, cloud doorbells, and temperature sensors for your pet fish. emits draft IoT and smartphone security law for Parliamentary scrutiny
2021-11-25 09:30

A new British IoT product security law is racing through the House of Commons, with the government boasting it will outlaw default admin passwords and more. The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill was introduced yesterday and is intended to drive up security standards in consumer tech gadgetry, ranging from IoT devices to phones, fondleslabs, smart TVs, and so on.

Eavesdropping Bugs in MediaTek Chips Affect 37% of All Smartphones and IoT Globally
2021-11-24 20:50

Multiple security weaknesses have been disclosed in MediaTek system-on-chips that could have enabled a threat actor to elevate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the firmware of the audio processor, effectively allowing the attackers to carry out a "Massive eavesdrop campaign" without the users' knowledge. The discovery of the flaws is the result of reverse-engineering the Taiwanese company's audio digital signal processor unit by Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point Research, ultimately finding that by stringing them together with other flaws present in a smartphone manufacturer's libraries, the issues uncovered in the chip could lead to local privilege escalation from an Android application.