Security News

Infosec's mega marketing misalignment mishap
2011-09-15 09:13 Stilgherrian CSO Online (Australia) 13 September, 2011

Hundreds log into a rogue wireless hotspot at Infosec	conference
2011-04-22 08:45 By Asavin Wattanajantra The Inquirer April 21, 2011 HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE attending London's...

Little to Show for $433 MM Infosec Investment
2009-11-16 11:11 By Eric Chabrow Managing Editor Gov InfoSecurity November 13, 2009 Los Alamos National Laboratory has spent $433 million to secure its...

How to Get a Job in the Infosec Field
2005-11-08 08:16,10801,105902,00.html Security Manager's Journal By C.J. Kelly NOVEMBER 07, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD My decision to stay in my current job for...

InfoSec 2003: 'Zero-day' attacks seen as growing threat
2003-12-12 09:31,10801,88109,00.html Story by Jaikumar Vijayan DECEMBER 11, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD NEW YORK -- "Zero-day" attacks that take advantage of...

Call for Donations for InfoSec News and
2003-07-02 09:49 First, we would like to thank those of you who stepped up to the plate and donated a little something to InfoSec News and, its greatly appreciated! If...