Security News

Is this the Chinese giant's Winnie the Pooh moment? Huawei has gagged infosec researchers from discussing now-patched critical vulnerabilities in the Chinese giant's web systems that could have...

Researchers noticed that the firmware for some Cisco switches contains X.509 certificates and associated private keys issued to a US-based subsidiary of Huawei. An investigation by the networking...

China's telecoms giant Huawei remains barred from the development of 5G wireless networks in the United States, a senior White House trade advisor said Tuesday. "US policy on Huawei with respect...

The US trade war truce with China which could ease sanctions on Huawei has prompted a backlash from lawmakers over national security concerns amid confusion over how the deal may impact the...

As the United States and China pursue trade talks, there is a "good chance" that more US firms will be granted licenses to sell products to controversial Chinese telecoms giant Huawei, White House...

President Donald Trump said on Saturday that US companies could sell equipment to Chinese telecom giant Huawei, indicating a potentially softer position on a key sticking point in the US-China...

Can we get a translator in here? US president Donald Trump said he plans to revoke the ban, or, er, grant some licences to American companies supplying components and services to Chinese telecoms...

Huawei Has a 'Weak Security Posture,' Cybersecurity Firm ContendsThe firmware of more than 500 Huawei networking products is riddled with security weaknesses that make the vendor risky to use for...

A report published this week by US-based firmware and IoT security solutions provider Finite State shows that Huawei equipment is affected by many vulnerabilities, including potential backdoors,...

Following a series of incidents in which packages were misrouted, and under increasing scrutiny from the Chinese government, FedEx is seeking relief.