Security News

Hackers Deface Web Sites; FBI Issues DDoS Warning
2001-05-08 02:15,,10_760451,00.html By Ryan Naraine and Michael Singer May 7, 2001 Web page defacement attacks by hackers have escalated dramatically in the last 24...

Hackers hit Sandia
2001-03-17 02:22 By Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough March 16, 2001 The U.S. intelligence community is conducting a damage assessment of a major hacker incident...

Experts debate U.S. power grid's vulnerabilities to hackers
2001-03-03 10:13,1199,NAV47-68-84-88_STO58300,00.html By DAN VERTON March 02, 2001 Nationwide rolling blackouts could have a devastating impact on the economy, but...

'I Hired a Hacker': A Security Manager's Confession
2001-02-27 00:20,1199,NAV47_STO58018,00.html [I have to wonder what kind of message this sends, Hack a network, Get a job, Lately this trend is becoming the norm over the...

Hackers say attack was easy
2001-02-12 06:37,1643,500308974-500496290-503480397-0,00.html By JONATHAN FOWLER Associated Press GENEVA (February 11, 2001 7:03 p.m. EST -...

Alleged eBay Hacker Free On Oversight
2001-02-03 09:44,2198,3531_578781,00.html By Brian McWilliams February 2, 2001 The computer whiz kid arrested for attacking San Jose-based Ebay (Nasdaq: EBAY) and...

Accused eBay hacker pleads innocent
2001-01-26 06:35,1643,500303657-500486159-503357166-0,00.html By BRIAN BERGSTEIN, Associated Press SAN JOSE, Calif. (January 25, 2001 10:29 p.m. EST...

Re: E-Gap Cuts Off Hacker Access
2001-01-11 16:30

Forwarded by: Joseph Steinberg An intruder cannot access an internal web server in the same way as a regular client (with a network connection) could as the e-Gap forces thorough application-level...

ISP thwarts would-be hacker in Asia
2001-01-01 18:06,1643,500295084-500469501-503169537-0,00.html Agence France-Presse DHAKA, Bangladesh (December 31, 2000 7:48 p.m. EST - A...

Re: Etisalat to be told to produce evidence against hacker
2000-12-28 08:29

Forwarded By: Berislav Kucan If you are interested in how this story started out, check out some of this news snippits from the site I'm working on: British man penetrated into UAE System Thursday...