Security News

Case Western Reserve shooter blames hacker
2006-02-14 06:40 By M.R. KROPKO Associated Press Writer 2/13/2006 CLEVELAND - A former graduate student convicted of killing one man and wounding two others...

Teen hacker fined for server attack
2006-02-14 06:39 By Steve Butcher February 14, 2006 HE WAS the only Australian member of a small...

Teenage hacker facing court case for data theft
2006-01-23 07:20 STAFF WRITER Sunday, Jan 22, 2006 A 17-year-old high-school student identified only by his surname Hung (¬x) has been named as...

'Hacker' held over U.S. Navy breach
2006-01-17 06:31 CNN Madrid Bureau Chief Al Goodman January 16, 2006 MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- An 18-year-old suspected Spanish hacker who allegedly breached...

Hackers Break Into Computer-Security Firm's Customer Database
2005-12-21 06:36 By Brian Krebs Staff Writer December 19, 2005 Guidance Software -- the leading provider of...

Hacker admits stealing usernames
2005-11-15 06:28 By Guan Xiaofeng China Daily 2005-11-15 A hacker, who sold usernames stolen from China's most popular online messaging...

Hackers shut down Stanhope website
2005-11-02 15:16 November 1, 2005 Computer hackers have shut down the website ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope...

Airline hacker all too frequent
2005-10-26 06:23 By Daniella Miletic October 25, 2005 An airline employee who hacked into Qantas's mainframe...

Guard against Titan Rain hackers
2005-10-21 20:10,10801,105585,00.html Opinion by Ira Winkler OCTOBER 20, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD At the moment, there's a dirty little secret that only a few...

Hacker loses name suppression
2005-10-19 07:03 One News Oct 19, 2005 A Dunedin university lecturer who hacked into a US company's computer has finally been outed after an 18 month battle to keep his...