Security News > 2009 > October > Hacker conference starts next week

Hacker conference starts next week
2009-10-06 08:37 The Star September 29, 2009 KUALA LUMPUR: The term "cloud computing" dominates the headlines these days but like most paradigm changes requiring new technology, various risk and vulnerabilities of these new systems are also introduced. Haroon Meer, technical director of information security company Sensepost, will separate fact from fiction in his talk Clobbering the Cloud while walking through real-world attacks on this technology. He will also focus on attacks that use cloud platforms as tools to create mayhem. The 7th annual Hack in The Box Security Conference (HITBSecConf) has secured Meer and some of the other mainstream and underground ICT security experts who will present on a range of relevant hardware and software topics at the Crowne Plaza Mutiara here on Oct 7 and 8. The conference starts Oct 5. In a presentation titled Offensive Cloud Computing with Hadoop and Backtrack, Justin Lundy - founder and CEO of Subterrain Networks Inc, an information security contractor - will demonstrate offensive cloud computing techniques. He will also show the code used to enumerate, analyse, and penetrate extremely large networks in record time. All demonstrations will focus on attacks against the big players on the Web, such as Amazon's EC2 and [...] ________________________________________ Did a friend send you this? From now on, be the first to find out! Subscribe to InfoSec News

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