Security News

Antiquated environment and bad security practices aided OPM hackers (Help Net Security)
2015-06-08 11:59

By now, you've all heard about the massive breach at the US Office of Personnel Management's (OPM), and that the attackers have accessed (and likely made off with) personal information of approximatel...

Event:  Hacker Halted USA 2015 (Help Net Security)
2015-06-07 16:14

Hacker Halted is a global series of Computer and Information Security conferences presented by EC-Council. The objective of the Hacker Halted conferences is to raise international awareness towards in...

New Snowden Documents Outline Memos on Expanded Spying of Hackers (Threatpost)
2015-06-05 19:11

A new set of memos uncovered by Edward Snowden and shared with both the New York Times and ProPublica this week reveal how the Obama administration upped its search for hackers and expanded its...