Security News

Facebook and GitHub test new account recovery option (Help Net Security)
2017-01-31 21:47

Facebook and GitHub have partnered to provide GitHub users who employ two-factor authentication an easier way to recover access to their account in case they get locked out of it. Users may lose...

8 million GitHub profiles scraped, data found leaking online (Help Net Security)
2016-11-18 15:16

Technology recruitment site GeekedIn has scraped 8 million GitHub profiles and left the information exposed in an unsecured MongoDB database. The backup of the database was downloaded by at least...

Dyn Confirms DDoS Attack Affecting Twitter, Github, Many Others (Threatpost)
2016-10-21 14:01

DNS providers Dyn suffered a DDoS attack this morning that affected many of its major customers including Twitter, Spotify, Github and others.

Breached Credentials Used to Access Github Repositories (Threatpost)
2016-06-17 15:01

Password reuse strikes GitHub users, some of whom will have to reset their credentials after unauthorized attempts were made to access a large number of GitHub accounts.