Security News
Downloaded anything from Gentoo's GitHub account yesterday? Consider those files compromised and dump them now—as an unknown group of hackers or an individual managed to gain access to the GitHub...
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If you downloaded anything from project's hub repos, consider it compromised If you have fetched anything from Gentoo's GitHub-hosted repositories today, dump those files – because hackers have...
Major websites took steps to protect ICE staff as tension over the US family separation policy ratcheted up.
Malware-laden Syscoin releases were up for download on an official GitHub repository after hackers managed to compromise an account and replace legitimate Windows installers. read more
Microsoft's come a long way in the past 10 years, since former chief Steve Ballmer called open-source a malignant cancer.
Microsoft on Monday announced that it has agreed to acquire software development and collaborateion platform GitHub in a deal valued at $7.5 billion. read more
Here's the biggest news of the week: Microsoft has reportedly acquired GitHub and could announce a deal in likely worth billions of dollars as soon as Monday. For those unaware, GitHub is a...
GitHub has instructed some users to reset their passwords after a bug caused internal logs to record passwords in plain text. read more
A patch for Meltdown created an even bigger flaw for 64-bit Win7 and Server 2008 R2. Now, it's freely available.