Security News

The rise of mobile transactions and online lending fraud (Help Net Security)
2015-08-20 08:00

During Q2, ThreatMetrix examined cybercrime attacks detected during real-time analysis and interdiction of fraudulent online payments, logins and new account registrations. They analyzed more than 3 b...

Impact and scope of fraud that crosses multiple industries (Help Net Security)
2015-08-13 07:58

84 percent of fraud mitigation professionals interviewed by LexisNexis Risk Solutions see fraud that crosses multiple industries in their investigations. Multi-industry fraud has a moderate to hi...

Top 10 U.S. cities for online fraud (Help Net Security)
2015-08-11 09:00

Data reveals Tampa as the top hot spot for online fraud and ThreatMetrix found a correlation between top cities for fraud and those home to hosted data centers. The top 10 list of U.S. cities fo...

Asprox Botnet Spreading Click-Fraud Malware via JavaScript Attachments (Threatpost)
2015-07-29 15:27

The SANS Internet Storm Center reports a rash of malicious spam pushing Kovter click-fraud malware.