Security News

IDrive Online Backup has officially released IDrive Face, enabling businesses and developers to build face recognition apps and integrate face recognition into their software products. IDrive Face...

The Technology Sparks Privacy Concerns in the U.K. and BeyondA developer's use of facial recognition technology to scan the faces of pedestrians in London has sparked concerns from residents, the...

More unregulated creepycams blight London Britons working for Google at its London HQ are being secretly spied on by creepy facial recognition cameras – but these ones aren't operated by the...

The court said facial recognition could well harm privacy rights, given its “detailed, encyclopedic, and effortlessly compiled” biometrics collection.

The UK government should suspend trials of automatic facial recognition systems until it can meet regulators’ concerns about the technology, according to a report released Friday.

Biometric Authentication is No Longer Just the Stuff of Spy Movies or Reserved for Military-Grade Installations read more

Latest call to halt creepy tech likely to fall on deaf ears The government should slap a "moratorium on the current use of facial recognition technology, with "no further trials" until there is...

1984 is not an instruction manual, and yet here we are As if further indication was needed of Britain's slide into a surveillance state, Home Secretary Sajid Javid has backed highly flawed police...

“We don’t need to regulate it, we need to ban it entirely.”

We talk to one CEO about why bans aren't the answer but federal regulation is Facial recognition is having a rough time of it lately. Just six months ago, people were excited about Apple allowing...